40 wisdom granules label
WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR 25lb - diypestcontrol Wisdom Lawn Granular is a broad-spectrum insecticide that controls termites, ants, fire ants (including Imported Fire Ants), Mole Crickets, and a variety of other insects that invade structures inside and out on lawns in landscaped areas and perimeters around residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, … PDF Material Safety Data Sheet DISCIPLINE™ GC Granular; WISDOM™ GC Granular; WISDOM™ EZ; WISDOM™ EZ GOLF COURSE AMVAC MSDS No.: 318_5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ... WISDOM™ EZ; WISDOM™ EZ GOLF COURSE AMVAC MSDS No.: 318_5 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: CAUTION! Causes eye irritation. Causes skin irritation. Do not get in eyes,
Wisdom 25 lb. Insecticide Lawn Granules at Tractor Supply Co. Buy Wisdom 25 lb. Insecticide Lawn Granules at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service.

Wisdom granules label
Wisdom Bifenthrin Lawn .2 Granules - 25 Lb | Forshaw WISDOM BIFENTHRIN LAWN .2 GRANULES - 25 LB. Item No. AMV11721. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in lawn and perimeter applications to control various perimeter pests. Active Ingredient - Bifenthrin Contains 0.2% bifenthrin on a sand-based carrier. ... WISDOM_BIFEN_LAWN_GRANULES_LABEL.pdf: WISDOM_BIFEN_LAWN_GRANULES_SDS.pdf: WISDOM_T_AND_O ... Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide - diypestcontrol Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide contains 0.2% bifenthrin in dispersed granules. It may be applied by hand or a spreader; the granule size is a larger size than Wisdom Granules. This broad-spectrum insecticide controls chinch bugs, fleas, fire ants, ticks, roaches, spiders, mole crickets and many other insect pests. PDF WISDOM NURSERY GRANULAR - PestWeb WISDOM® NURSERY GRANULAR EPA Reg. No.5481-522 Net Contents: EPA Est. No.39578-TX-1 As Marked on Container Made in U.S.A. 4100 E.Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90023, U.S.A. ... on the label; (b) that this product is reasonably fit for the purposes set forth in the directions for use, subject to the inherent risks referred to herein, when ...
Wisdom granules label. DUE TO TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES GROUP INSECTICIDE2B - Bayer Sweep up spilled granules, transfer to a marked container, and dispose of wastes on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. CONTAINER HANDLING Non-refillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Completely empty paper or plastic bag, fiber sack or drum liner by shaking and tapping sides and bottom to loosen clinging ... PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - PestWeb Note: A spray rig that is calibrated to apply 0.1 lb a.i./A (20 ozs.) of Wisdom contains the approximate dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) that is required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank. *Application of 125 lbs/acre of WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE will provide six months re- PDF WISDOM NURSERY GRANULAR - PestWeb WISDOM® NURSERY GRANULAR EPA Reg. No.5481-522 Net Contents: EPA Est. No.39578-TX-1 As Marked on Container Made in U.S.A. 4100 E.Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90023, U.S.A. ... on the label; (b) that this product is reasonably fit for the purposes set forth in the directions for use, subject to the inherent risks referred to herein, when ... Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide - diypestcontrol Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide contains 0.2% bifenthrin in dispersed granules. It may be applied by hand or a spreader; the granule size is a larger size than Wisdom Granules. This broad-spectrum insecticide controls chinch bugs, fleas, fire ants, ticks, roaches, spiders, mole crickets and many other insect pests.
Wisdom Bifenthrin Lawn .2 Granules - 25 Lb | Forshaw WISDOM BIFENTHRIN LAWN .2 GRANULES - 25 LB. Item No. AMV11721. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in lawn and perimeter applications to control various perimeter pests. Active Ingredient - Bifenthrin Contains 0.2% bifenthrin on a sand-based carrier. ... WISDOM_BIFEN_LAWN_GRANULES_LABEL.pdf: WISDOM_BIFEN_LAWN_GRANULES_SDS.pdf: WISDOM_T_AND_O ...
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