45 special k label
SPECIAL | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary special adjective us / ˈspeʃ·əl / special adjective (NOT USUAL) not ordinary or usual: a special occasion special attention / treatment The car has a number of special safety features. Is there anything special you’d like to do today? The magazine published a special anniversary issue. Special can also mean unusually great or important: Special - definition of special by The Free Dictionary 1. of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special key. 2. pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive: the special features of a plan. 3. having a specific or particular function, purpose, etc.: a special messenger. 4. distinguished from what is ordinary or usual: a special occasion.
Special Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive; unique: the special features of a plan. having a specific or particular function, purpose, etc.: a special messenger. noun a special person or thing. a train used for a particular purpose, occasion, or the like. OTHER WORDS FOR special 5 singular.

Special k label
SPECIAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary a television programme that is made for a particular reason or occasion and is not part of a series: a three-hour election night special. a dish that is available in a restaurant on a particular day that is not usually available: Today's specials are written on the board. mainly US. Special Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster special 1 of 2 adjective spe· cial ˈspesh-əl 1 a : being unusual and especially better in some way a special occasion b : being very dear or liked very well a special friend 2 : different from others of the same kind : unique a special case 3 : being or having more than the usual : additional, extra a special edition 4 109 Synonyms & Antonyms of SPECIAL - Merriam-Webster Some common synonyms of special are especial, individual, particular, and specific. While all these words mean "of or relating to one thing or class," special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own. special ingredients When would especial be a good substitute for special?
Special k label. SPECIAL Synonyms: 76 Synonyms & Antonyms for ... - Thesaurus.com adj. distinguished, distinctive; important in own way synonyms for special Compare Synonyms appropriate certain different exceptional exclusive extraordinary individual limited main major memorable particular peculiar personal primary proper rare significant specialized specific unique unusual best characteristic chief choice express first gala set 109 Synonyms & Antonyms of SPECIAL - Merriam-Webster Some common synonyms of special are especial, individual, particular, and specific. While all these words mean "of or relating to one thing or class," special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own. special ingredients When would especial be a good substitute for special? Special Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster special 1 of 2 adjective spe· cial ˈspesh-əl 1 a : being unusual and especially better in some way a special occasion b : being very dear or liked very well a special friend 2 : different from others of the same kind : unique a special case 3 : being or having more than the usual : additional, extra a special edition 4 SPECIAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary a television programme that is made for a particular reason or occasion and is not part of a series: a three-hour election night special. a dish that is available in a restaurant on a particular day that is not usually available: Today's specials are written on the board. mainly US.
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