41 lesco prosecutor label
Lesco's Prosecutor | Lawn care Pesticide Labels. Trimec 992; Bandit 75 WSP; Dimension Ultra 40 WP; Acclaim Extra; Acephate 97 UP; Deer Guard; Floramite; Pasture Pro; Headway; Bayer Dylox; Cleary 3336 DG; Lesco's Eliminate; ... Lesco's Prosecutor. By clicking this you will be able to view the label for Lesco Prosecutor ... › pdf › sdsPDFSAFETY DATA SHEET LESCO® PROSECUTOR® PRO HERBICIDE - SiteOne Trade name LESCO® PROSECUTOR® PRO HERBICIDE Product code (UVP) 86725800 SDS Number 102000037600 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Herbicide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer Environmental Science
PDF Net Contents 30 Gal. • Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or physician, or going for treatment. • This product is identified as LESCO® Prosecutor® PRO Non-Selective Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 524-536-10404. • In case of an emergency involving this product, or for medical assistance, call collect,

Lesco prosecutor label
lawncaregrandpa.com › mixing-tips-for-lesco-prosecutorMixing Tips For Lesco Prosecutor Herbicide And What It Is Lesco Prosecutor is an herbicide made up of 36.5% glyphosate. This equates to 4.17 pounds per U.S. gallon. It is classified as a Group 9 herbicide that is regulated by government safety standards. In order to use the product, the person applying it must be a certified commercial applicator. PDF LESCO, Inc. - DoMyOwn.com LESCO® PROSECUTOR® PRO Herbicide Version: 0.0 Page: 1 / 9 Effective date: 06/11/2015 LESCO, Inc. Safety Data Sheet #4038 Commercial Product 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ... Label elements. 2.2.1. Signal word WARNING! 2.2.2. Hazard pictogram/pictograms 2.2.3. Hazard statement/statements Harmful if inhaled. LESCO Prosecutor Pro - 2.5 Gallon - AFM Storefront Akron's Finest Mulch. Main Office. 1735 Copley Road - Akron, OH 44320. 330.603.5623 . Monday-Friday: 8am - 4pm. Saturday: 8am - 2pm. Sunday: Closed Akron's Finest Topsoil
Lesco prosecutor label. LESCO Bill Online 2023 Steps to check LESCO bill online: Visit lesco bill website. Enter bill reference number, or customer id (only one required, not both) and click on 'Check Bill' button. In the next screen, you will see your bill amount, due date, issue date etc. If you want to see full bill, click on 'View Complete Bill' button. Lesco Prosecutor | Lawn Care Forum 1,033 Posts. Discussion Starter · #1 · Feb 20, 2006. My father in law enjoys doing all of his own Landscaping and since I do not do fert. he decided to go down to Lesco and bought that huge jug of prosecutor. He didnt ask the salesman about how much to mix and we started to look over that manual ( or should I call it a book) about mixing. how much prosecutor to mix | Lawn Care Forum Remember Prosecuter has only 1/2 the surfactant as Round-Up Pro, so adding a little spreader/sticker or dishsoap or 2,4-D Ester (If below 85 degress) will help with cuticle penetration. lawrence stone Banned Joined Jan 23, 2000 2,551 Posts #4 · Jul 5, 2001 Kent the label states for handheld sprayers that 1/2% or 2/3 oz Labels for LESCO Prosecutor Pro Non-Selective Herbicide (10404-117 ... Labels for LESCO Prosecutor Pro Non-Selective Herbicide (10404-117) Pre-fix You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF pageto learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest
PDF 90/10 Nonionic Surfactant - LabelSDS LESCO, Inc. • 1385 East 36th Street • Cleveland, OH 44114-4114 JO 4-10-15 ... contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control of LESCO, Inc. and Buyer and/or User assume the risk of any such use. TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW, LESCO, INC. PDF NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: X Registration Reregistration - US EPA LESCO Prosecutor Pro Non-Selective Herbicide Name and Address of Registrant (include ZIP Code): LESCO, Inc. ... Make the following label changes before you release the product for shipment: xRevise the EPA Registration Number to read, "EPA Reg. No. 10404-117." 3. Submit one copy of the revised final printed label for the record before you ... › productsProducts | LESCO LESCO® fertilizers offer leading formulations and a proven track record for healthy, long-term results. We've dedicated more than 50 years to studying and perfecting the science of growing turfgrass. Featuring these LESCO Technologies: LESCO NOS LESCO PolyPlus-Opti™ LESCO NOS Plus LESCO CarbonPro™ LESCO PolyPlus Learn More about LESCO Fertilizer LEScO Prosecutor Vs. Roundup Weed And Grass Killer: All Differences LEScO Prosecutor is a non-selective herbicide with foliar systemic that you can use to control a wide variety of unwanted annual and perennial grass, weed, woody brush, broadleaf, and trees. Its active ingredient is glyphosate and is classified as Group 9 herbicide.
Home | LESCO LESCO® delivers advanced technologies that are carefully formulated and rigorously tested, so you can trust they'll meet or exceed expectations with every application. Because getting more green from less work is what the next level is all about. LESCO by SiteOne Watch on LESCO Prosecutor Pro Weed Killer: Non-Selective Liquid Herbicide - SiteOne LESCO : 86703432 LESCO Prosecutor Pro Non Selective Liquid Herbicide 2.5 gal. (069289) Residual, long term activity Formulated as a water-soluble liquid containing surfactant REGULATED RETAIL PRICE $166.55 / Each Log in to see your price In Stock at Alpharetta GA #172. Check Other Stores FULFILLMENT OPTION SELECTED AT CART Lesco Prosecutor Prolong - PlantingTree Lesco Prosecutor Prolong 9 reviews Offers long term weed control where no growth is wanted for a longer period of time. Strong Knockdown power plus residual control Offers long term weed control where no growth is wanted for a longer period of time. Great for driveways, patios, gravel beds, fence rows, and other areas where no vegetation is wanted. Product Information | LabelSDS Product Information LESCO Prosecutor Pro Lesco EPA Registration #: 524-536-10404 Lawn / Ornamental Greenhouse / Nursery Golf Course Signal Word: Caution Groups: Herbicide - 9 Summary: Non selective herbicide. The complete broad-spectrum postemergence herbicide for industrial, turf and ornamental weed control. NFPA GHS 1 Fire Hazard 2 Health Hazard
› envhealthdocs › Lesco-Prosecutor-LabelLesco Prosecutor Label - Home · Connecticut College LEScO Prosecutor PROfessional MAX is a nonselective foliar systemic herbicide for control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds and unwanted woody brush and trees. LEScO Prosecutor PROfessional MAX is formulated as a liquid concentrate that contains 4.17 lbs. acid equivalent per gallon,
Labels for LESCO STONEWALL 4L HERBICIDE (10404-122) | US EPA 10404-122. LESCO STONEWALL 4L HERBICIDE. June 17, 2021 (PDF) 1 - 1. Active Ingredient Name. Percent Active. Prodiamine.
PDF Complete Directions for Use - DoMyOwn.com Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or physician, or going for treatment. This product is identified as LeSCO® Prosecutor® PrO Non-Selective Herbicide, ePA reg. No. 524-536-10404.
› PROSECUTOR LabelCAUTION - CAUCION - Miller's Turf (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION - CAUCION SEE INSIDE BOOKLET FOR FIRST AID AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS EPA REG. NO. 228-366-10404 EPA EST. NO. 228-IL-1 Distributed by:LESCO, Inc. • 1301 East 9th Street • Cleveland, OH 44114-1849 (01 ...
Lesco Prosecutor - Others herbicide Lesco Prosecutor registration_data_unavailable Others- herbicide 228-366-10404 DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT.
iaspub.epa.gov › apex › pesticidesLabels for LESCO PROSECUTOR PRO NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE (524 ...... Labels for LESCO PROSECUTOR PRO NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE (524-536-10404) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Miller's Turf LESCO Prosecutor ProLong Revision Date 31-Aug-2018 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION U.S. EPA Label Information EPA Pesticide Registration Number 2217-923-10404 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act Regulations This chemical is a pesticide product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling
Labels for LESCO STONEWALL 65 WDG HERBICIDE (10404-112) Product Name. Accepted Date. 10404-112. LESCO STONEWALL 65 WDG HERBICIDE. March 26, 2021 (PDF) 10404-112. LESCO STONEWALL 65 WDG HERBICIDE. July 29, 2020 (PDF) 10404-112.
Lesco Prosecutor Pro, Non-Selective Herbicide - Others herbicide Lesco Prosecutor Pro, Non-Selective Herbicide - Others herbicide Lesco Prosecutor Pro, Non-Selective Herbicide registration_data_unavailable Others - herbicide 524-536-10404 DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in any manner inconsistent with its labeling.
› en › 86711214-lesco-prosecutor-pro-nonLESCO Prosecutor Pro Non Selective Liquid Herbicide 30 - SiteOne LESCO : 86711214 LESCO Prosecutor Pro Non Selective Liquid Herbicide 30 gal. (069291) Residual, long term activity Formulated as a water-soluble liquid containing surfactant REGULATED RETAIL PRICE $1,330.37 / Each Log in to see your price In Stock at Alpharetta GA #172. Check Other Stores FULFILLMENT OPTION SELECTED AT CART
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY Page 1 of 5 DATA SHEET #4045 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET #4045 Page 1 of 5 15885 Sprague Road, Strongsville, OH 44136 DATE ISSUED: 12/05/03 EMERGENCY PHONE: LESCO: (800) 321-5325 SUPERSEDES: 1/12/00 CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: LESCO Prosecutor Chemical Family: Herbicide Chemical Name/Synonyms: Glyphosate II.
LESCO Prosecutor Pro - 2.5 Gallon - AFM Storefront Akron's Finest Mulch. Main Office. 1735 Copley Road - Akron, OH 44320. 330.603.5623 . Monday-Friday: 8am - 4pm. Saturday: 8am - 2pm. Sunday: Closed Akron's Finest Topsoil
PDF LESCO, Inc. - DoMyOwn.com LESCO® PROSECUTOR® PRO Herbicide Version: 0.0 Page: 1 / 9 Effective date: 06/11/2015 LESCO, Inc. Safety Data Sheet #4038 Commercial Product 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ... Label elements. 2.2.1. Signal word WARNING! 2.2.2. Hazard pictogram/pictograms 2.2.3. Hazard statement/statements Harmful if inhaled.
lawncaregrandpa.com › mixing-tips-for-lesco-prosecutorMixing Tips For Lesco Prosecutor Herbicide And What It Is Lesco Prosecutor is an herbicide made up of 36.5% glyphosate. This equates to 4.17 pounds per U.S. gallon. It is classified as a Group 9 herbicide that is regulated by government safety standards. In order to use the product, the person applying it must be a certified commercial applicator.
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